So this weekend was super busy. Friday night we had Sharon and Adrian over for dinner and we carved Ian's pumpkin. He of course would not touch the inside of the pumpkin.

The pumpkin did turn out well though...

Saturday we went and supported Cheri and Cort and their little man Lukas in the 1st annual Walk for Apraxia. It was amazing, it was so so gorgeous out, cold but not to cold. They raised approx. $6,000 when all was said and done. It was a lot of fun. On the way home we dropped Ian off at Grandma's and then came home and got ready ourselves. Drove up to Elk River for Beerfest at The Chamber's Home. It was quite a good time. Some uncomfortable hugs later we were on our way back home.
Today I got up early, went and got Ian and went to JCPenny's to get some pictures taken of Ian with his cousins Meghan, Haley and Sabrina. We got about 2 pictures in before he freaked out and decided he wasn't taking any. My mom had arranged it and was paying for the pictures. So she had paid for a membership with no sitting fees so now Rob, Ian and I will go to the JCPenny by our home and get pictures taken. Try again!!! Ugh I hope this next time he cooperates.
That looks like so much fun. I haven't carved pumpkins yet this year with the kids. We so need to.