It's Wednesday and man it's super cold outside, suppose to get down to 20 below. So needless to say I'm staying in. Ian is doing much better, he had a sick spell there for a bit and was running a fever for 4 days straight even with Tylenol every 4 hours and Ibuprofen before bed. We took him into the ER on a Monday night and they said he was fine, his fever had gone down. We took him in because his fever was 104.5 but of course by the time we saw the Dr. it had gone down to 102.7 so we gave him Tylenol around the clock and by Thursday he looked so misserable and his fever was back, it had broke that morning. So I made an appt. with his new ped. and of course he had bronchilalitis and a double ear infection. So we are on our second bottle of abx and Ian has been smiling and walking around with his walker.
Rob and I have been doing good, some days I feel as if we are just going through the motions of being parents. I miss our "us" time, our cuddling etc. But I know things change as you grow older and your marriage grows, don't get me wrong, we love each other and always hug and kiss. Anyways my anxiety had been up and down a lot lately, no clue as to why, seems to be the worse in the morning for some reason so of course I only will eat a tiny bit and then about a hour or so into work I will be starving and have to munch, which is fine. Tomorrow I meet my new psychologist so hopefully I can get some stuff out there and things will be better.
This weekend we are planning on getting Ian's hair cut for the first time. I did cut some of his hair a few months ago. There were some stands that were about 2 inches longer than the rest of his hair so I cut and saved them. I hope his new haircut turns out well but I know whatever the outcome he is not going to be my longhaired cut baby boy anymore, I'm sure he will look much more grown. We will be having his hair cut at Paul's Barber. Rob and his brother both got their first haircuts their and we hope to keep that a tradition. I'm actually very surprised the barber shop is still operating.